A Preliminary experimental Investigation of a Water Extract of a traditional used medicine plant

Authors: Hersi Guleed, A.A. Warfa, Set Bornstein

Natural and applied sciences


Vernonia mogadoxensis Chiov is a wellknown plant whose roots are used in traditional medicine in Somalia treating various skin lesions, e.g. caused by ectoparasites. Water extracts of the bark of the roots of the plant are applied to the skin of diseased animals. It is also used orally in some diseases on humans, e.g. against gastrointestinal complaints. This paper describes an experimental trial using the above water extract in treating Sarcoptic mange in goats.

Vernonia mogadoxensis Chiov belongs tho the Compositae family. It grows commonly in arid zones of Somalia. It is a shrub. Both camels and goats eat the levels of the shrub.

Method: 13 animals of a herd of 41 goats, which were infested with Sarcoptic mange, were selected for the trial. Five of the 13 goats were used as controls, leaving 8 for the treatment. The mange was seen on the head, legs, back and sides of the abdomen. Many had severe skin lesions.

The water extract was rubbed into the skin of all affected parts of the body of the 8 animals every third day 4 times. The animals were kept under close observation for 5 weeks in an enclosed pasture.

Results: all 13 goats were found to be infested before treatment with Sarcoptes scabiei species.

Material kindly provided by the Roma 3 University's Somali Archive

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