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SOMAR Somali Medical Archives is an open access archive of medical documents.
If you have an original article, research or publication on a medical topic that you think is useful to share with colleagues, send us the file using the appropriate form: we will be happy to consider it for publication.

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  1. Disclaimer – Under no circumstances or in any way can SOMAR be held liable in respect of any material submitted and published at this Blog, and cannot be held responsible for its content and accuracy by a User. Nonetheless, we will, if notified and having satisfied ourselves of the bona fides of the notification, remove any content that might constitute a legal violation, such as material submitted in potential breach of copyright.

  2. Copyright – By submitting material for publication, you guarantee that you are the original copyright holder of the work in question, and you own the legal rights to use the information. As such, we have no legal liability regarding any copyright claims, but will simply remove offending articles as/when we are advised of any breaches.

  3. Review – Any material submitted will be reviewed by SOMAR, which decides on its publication. The publication of any material submitted will be at the sole discretion of SOMAR.

  4. Reservation of Rights – We reserve the right to accept, reject or remove any material submitted for publication with no explanation.

  5. Non-exclusive license for publication – By submitting materials, you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide license to republish any material you submit to us in any format, including without limitation print and electronic format. In particular, you agree that we can make it available in this site as well as in any other SOMAR publications and/or media or social media, provided that due credit is given to the author.

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The platform Somali Medical Archives has been developed as a tool to promote cooperation between Somali health professional in their mother country and abroad, engaging the diaspora for the improvement of Somali Health Services.

SOMAR Somali Medical Archives is an idea by Edna Moallin Abdirahman

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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.